Sector E is separated from the other 4 sectors in the Una National Park and it is located 12 km downstream of the center of Bihać city. It extends from the Kostela hydro-power plant downstream to the Sedra Hotel and is 2,500 m long. The trail provides very good fishing conditions with approaches that are appropriate for this level of competition.
Unlike the other 4 sectors, the starting points are not arranged in a row but are arranged so that there are gaps between the marked starting points since some parts of the river are not suitable for competition due to inaccessible terrain.
The width of the river along the sector E is from 30 to 50 meters and the depth is from 1 to 5 meters.
Species of fish
Salmonid and cyprid fish species live in this part of Una river.
In the Una river within the competition trail in the Una National Park area is inhabited by salmonid species of fish: grayling (Thymallus thymallus), stream trout (Salmo trutta morpha fario) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum).
According to the rules of the competition, all kinds of fish with a minimum length of 20 cm are scored.