1. “Martin Brod” – SECTOR A
  2. “Jelova točila” – SECTOR B
  3. “Priboj” – SECTOR C
  4. “Kulen Vakuf” – SECTOR D

These sectors are located in the Una National Park area between the settlements Kulen Vakuf and Martin Brod. The farthest sector from the hotel is Sector “A” Martin Brod, 48 km from the hotel, from which the competition sector begins, more precisely from the mouth of the Unac River in Una and further downstream 8 km to Kulen Vakuf. Sectors A & B are the parts of the longest fly fishing beat in Una NP-Martin Brod, which is 8 km total in length.

Along the entire described flow in all four sectors, the Una river has average depth of 1 m to 3 meters with plenty of rapids and many 2-3 m deep underwater tanks in which is best to catch on bait such as dry, wet fly, nymph, streamer, and depending on the part of the day. In the lower part of the beat, the river is slightly slower and wider and there are deeper pools in which grayling and Rainbow trout are fished well and are prevalent along the entire competition beat.

Along the competition beats, there is a Kulen Vakuf – Martin Brod road communication on which the buses that bring competitors from the hotel or from another sector will move. The bus leaves the competitors by the road or the place where the sector is marked and where the starting places are intended. At the bus stop there are official observers that will be visibly marked with accreditation. The competitor and the observer go to their starting point where they will be informed of the fishing area where the competitor prepares for the competition for up to 30 minutes.

Species of fish

In the Una river within the competition trail in the Una National Park area is inhabited by salmonid species of fish: grayling (Thymallus thymallus), stream trout (Salmo trutta morpha fario) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum).