Due to the high water level, Sector V will be relocated from Lake Salakovac to Lake Mostar.
Lake Mostar is the youngest reservoir lake on the Neretva river. This lake was made in 1987. Its maximum length is 10 km, its size is about 112 hectares, and maximum depth of 20 m.
Research has showed that this ecosystem has 8 types of fishes from 2 kinds; Salmonidae and Cyprinidae: Trout (Salmo trutta m. fario L), (Salmothymus obtusirostris oxyrhynchus Steind.), (Salmo marmoratus Cuv.), californian trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Wal.). From Cyprinidae kind: (Leuciscus svallize svallize Heck. et Kn.), white chub (Leuciscus cephalus albus Bon.), carp (Cyprinus carpio L) and (Alburnus alburnus alborella de Filippi).
Analysing the qualitative essay of the ihtyofauna in artificial Mostarsko lake, it was concluded that in this ecosystem lives 3 spieces of authentic and 1 introducted salmonidae.
Registered national teams and the names of competitors who applied for participation in the competition:
Sport Fishing Association of Bosnia and Hercegovina (SRS BiH) is honored to welcome you for the first time to the 20th World Championship in Fly Fishing for youth in 2023 in our beautiful and historical city of Mostar.
Bosnia and Hercegovina has lots of experience in organizing similar competing events in Sport Fishing and therefore we are hoping that we will fulfil your expectations this time as well. We wish you the warmest welcome greetings to our dear homeland and we wish to reassure you that we will strive for our best to organize this event as best as possible.
Also, our sincere welcome to our beautiful and welcoming country. Furthermore, I wish to convey to you the welcome greetings from our Government and Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina for your visit and participation in the Championship.
And finally, we hope you will have a pleasant and fun stay, and fun and above all fair competitions. With our warmest greetings for all participants in this event,
Bosnia and Herzegovina have the exclusive honor to hostyou all this year at the 20th Cortland World Youth Fly Fishing Championships, from 16th until 23rd July of 2023.
Our host country has around 4 million people of different nationalities and religious beliefs, and consists of two entities (Federation of BiH, and Srpska ), and one district – Brcko.
We have organized many fishing events so far like for example:
All these manifestations mentioned above, that were held in our country, have received highest praises from the highest officials of these disciplines.
We wish you a very pleasant stay in our country and in our host city of Mostar. We hope you enjoy our fishing sites on rivers
Buna and Neretva.
We also hope you get to explore our beautiful country, landscapes and nature, and that you get to meet our people and learn about our culture and customs.
We wish you return to your homes with beautiful memories from your trip.
Finally, we wish you success at the competition and we salute you with our traditional fishermen greeting: Bistro!
Participants from all over the world will be joining us at this year’s Cortland World Youth Championship and therefore this event is very important to promote the tourism of the city of Mostar and of Herzegovina.
By organizing the Championship, the representatives of the SRS BH wish to show to the world all that Mostar has to offer, especially its nature and the beauty of the region and with that, the possible further expansions in the area of Fishing tourism.
The Mayor Dr. Mario Kordic gives his unreserved support in the organization of this event, with his promises, that the city of Mostar will make sure that the event gets everything necessary for its successful organization and coordination.
This lake was made on 1987. Its maximum length is 10 km, its size is about 112 hectares, and maximum deep 20 m. Explorations were showed that this ecosystem has 8 types of fishes from 2 kinds; Salmonidae and Cyprinidae: Trout (Salmo trutta m. fario L), (Salmothymus obtusirostris oxyrhynchus Steind.), (Salmo marmoratus Cuv.), californian trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Wal.).
From Cyprinidae kind: (Leuciscus svallize svallize Heck. et Kn.), white chub (Leuciscus cephalus albus Bon.), carp (Cyprinus carpio L) and (Alburnus alburnus alborella de Filippi).
Analysing the qualitative essay of the ihtyofauna in artificial lake Salakovac, it was concluded that in this ecosystem lives 3 spieces of authentic and 1 introducted salmonidae.
Neretva is a unique jewel of nature and together with Buna River and Trebizat, one of the last shelters of the famous Softmouth Trout in the region.
Softmouth trout only exist in some rivers of the western Balkans that drain into the Adriatic Sea. Heckel was the first to describe this species from three localities.
The rivers Zrmanja, Jadro and Vrljika as Salar obtusirostris in 1851. Later on, the fish was found also in the Krka River in Dalmatia – Salmo obtusirostris krkensis (Karaman, 1927), in the Neretva river system – Salmo obtusirostris oxyrhynchus (Steindachner, 1882) from the River Neretva, and in the Zeta River in Montenegro – Salmo obtusirostris zetensis (Hadžišče, 1961).
The softmouth trout is characterized by its striking similarity in appearance to both trout and grayling. Its most peculiar morphological characteristics are an elongated snout, a small and flashy mouth, relatively large scales and high body depth.
It is a spring spawning obligatory freshwater fish. Maximum size and weight: 50 cm, 5 kg. The Neretva softmouth trout shows the most pronounced morphological characteristics featuring the softmouth trout; all the other subspecies are more brown trout-like.
Neretva soft mouth trout (Salmo obtusirostris oxyrhynchus) with a nickname “Meka” coexisted in the Neretva with native brown and marble trout for thousands of years. It was largely successful enough in avoiding inter-species hybridisation. Thus far has maintained its identity.
This is probably due to different spawning times and possibly different spawning ground
Again similar to grayling, softmouth trout feed on fauna found in the bottom sediments of rivers and lakes, being so called benthos feeders, and show generally grayling-like feeding behaviour.
They usually hold in the deep pools in rivers, not near the banks like brown trout often do. Softmouth trout exclusively populate rivers where grayling were never present, or were never native, for example the Neretva River, where grayling are an introduced species.
However, grayling and softmouth trout are not able to hybridize, which is a proof of their distant relationship. So it seems that softmouth trout evolved some grayling-like characteristics because they required these characteristics to survive in a grayling-free niche.
In the land of magnificent rivers, like nowhere else in Europe, unanimously Neretva River is the gorgeous one in Bosnia & Herzegovina.
The Neretva River got its name from old Celts, they called the river “Nera Etwa” which means the “Flowing Divinity”.This emerald is also the coldest rivers in the world, where even in summer the average water’s temperature doesn’t go higher than 7 degrees Celsius.
Neretva river is 225 km long and mostly it is flowing through the Bosnia and Herzegovina (203 km), and partly, before it reach in the Adriatic Sea, through Croatia (22 km). Neretva springs under the mountains Apple in BiH. It springs in the high mountainous regions in the Herzegovina and this river mostly has the characteristics of mountain rivers.
Because of these characteristics on the Neretva river are built hydro: Jablanica, Grabovica, Salakovac, Mostar.
On its way to the Adriatic Neretva river flows through some of the most beautiful cities: Konjic, Jablanica, Mostar, Capljina, Pocitelj.
It is known for its emerald-green color, it is so clean and in headwaters it is safe for drinking. Neretva River drained into the Adriatic Sea.
In the Neretva river lives so many kinds of fishes. Some of them are: Neretva’s softmouth trout,marbled trout, brown trout, gera, eels.
The River Neretva and its tributaries represent the main drainage system in the east Adriatic watershed and the foremost ichthyofaunal habitat of the region.
Salmonid fishes from the Neretva basin show considerable variation in morphology, ecology and behaviour. It is therefore not surprising that several species, i.e. Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758 (brown trout), Salmo marmoratus Cuvier, 1817 (marble trout), Salmo obtusirostris Heckel, 1851 (softmouth trout), Salmo farioides Karaman, 1937 and Salmo dentex Heckel, 1851 (no common name exists for the last two) were identified by early studies (Heckel, 1852; Karaman, 1937).
While some of these taxa have controversial histories, the existence of both Salmo trutta and Salmo marmoratus has been well accepted (Karaman, 1926; Vuković, 1982; Kosorić et al., 1983). Similarly, the marbled trout from the River Neretva has been assumed as Salmo marmoratus although no reliable analysis has ever been carried out to confirm its conspecificity with Salmo marmoratus stocks from the northern Adriatic watershed.
The status of Salmo dentex and Salmo farioides has always been questionable, mainly due to inadequate original descriptions and rare sightings.
On the basis of recent morphological study performed by Delling (2003), another new species that “in morphology appears intermediate between Salmo trutta and Salmo obtusirostris” has been described in the River Neretva and tentatively assigned as Salmo cf. montenigrinus (referring to Trutta montenigrina Karaman, 1933 from the River Morača, Montenegro).
Natural hybrids between Salmo obtusirostris × Salmo trutta and Salmo marmoratus × Salmo trutta have also been observed and reported in the Neretva basin (Vuković, 1982).